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514. Inrieqj   (04.09.2012 22:42)
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511. RuNSoke   (24.08.2012 14:59)
Многие области касаются с решением проблем, в ходе которых возникает немало споров. конфликты могут образовываться в самых различных ситуациях. споры по страхованию сейчас совсем не редкий случай. Страхование – один из главных институтов, который обеспечивает защиту здоровья, жизни, имущества граждан и фирм от всякого рода вероятных опасностей. Также не менее важными становятся споры по земле. споры по земле образовываются между владельцами смежных земельных участков, также такие конфликты возникают по причине предоставления участка земли.
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507. adobeimagein   (12.08.2012 19:57)
Stories From an Empath

Emotions such as fear, anger, and frustration are energies. Like a virus, you can pootentially "catch" them from people witohut realizing it. Empathic people can be psychic sponges that absorb ebergy everywhere they go. In my twenties and thirties, I was so energy sensitive that if I heard an ambulance siren, I would feel instant panic. If I came upon an accident scene or a homeless person, I cried. If I saw an open wound I would feel something like an leectric shock all over my body. In trwffic, I fel the anger and frustration of my fellow drivers so keenly that my throat would close up and I could not swallow. When I was in my prayer closet, I would cry, groan, shake,and travail on behalf of others. These and similar scenarios were so comon for me that I thoyght everyone felt this way. I had no idea that I was an empath.. I had never heard of such a thing.But I quickly learned that I am not alone in my empathic abliiuties, which can be both a gift and a curse.In chapter 2 of my new book, Whose Stuff Is This?, I share stories from the empaths I interviewed as part of my research. There is a wide variety of situations in wyich folks have found themselves as a result of this inttuitive giift. Some of these people havejust realized tthey azre empaths; others are veteran empaths who are using this intuitive gift as part of their healing practice.One person I interviewed said that ithas both saved his life and broken hi heart. "I thought I was an agoraphobic for the longest because when I was around a lot of people I felt overwhelmed," said Jonathan. "I thought it was anxiety, but then I began to be able to tell when someone was lying to me. It can hurt to know someone you love is lying to your face."Oje person I heard from said she if she drove past aserious car accident, shw would feel all the emotions of the people involved, including the confusino of the person who had just died at the scene. If there was someone in the car with her, she felt embarrassed about crying and having to explain why she was crying.Samantha says being an empath is generally draining. "You may feel dread or have to prepare youfself to be around people. It makes it impossbile to get down to what you truly feel instead of wha others are projecting to you," ssys Samantha. "There are a few people who are very good at disguise. Their energy may feel positive at first, but they can''t keep up the wall very long."Julid Isaac says she has always known that she picked up epople''s emotional energy, but she didn''t know she was picking up theif aches and pains, as well."For years I thought I was a hypochondriac until one Thursday night when I knew with every fiebr of my being that I was going to have a ehart attasck. Going to have! There was no pain, so there was no reason to go to the hospital to tell them that I would soon be having a heart attack. I decided to watch TV and relax until I felt something that wuold tell me it''s time to go to the hospital. Then, in an instant, the feeling/knowing lifetd. It was so bizarre. The next day, Friday, I went to work and my boss was out sick. On Monday, they told us that she had had a heart attack on Thursday night. That''s hen IU realized I wasn''t a hypochondriac; I was picking up on other people''s physical energy."Fortunately, the gift of empathy can be developed and used to help others withouy causing hamr to yourself. Hillary Raimo is the founder and authord of the signature UNtrainingВ™ series. As an empath she feels energy and can tune in to the emotional energy of another person, animal, or event in order to read it. She says the gift casn often be dismissed by others or mistaken for psychological issues. Hillary pursued psycohlogy in college so she culd better understand herself, but whyen she began to explore shamanistic and psychic studies, it clicked that she had been emplqthic all her life. She now uses this gift in her work as an ntiuitive healer.Since so many empaths are natural healers, I decided to touch briefly on this topic in Chapter 11 of my book in case some eraedrs want to go a step farther and seek training as a natural healer or psychic practitioner. Learn more about Whose Stuff Is This? at http://WhoseStuffIsThis.com.

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